
Archive for November, 2010


Within the framework of UNDP’s Waste Management Livelihoods project -Round III, Terre des hommes Italy has supported three local NGOs in Aceh to implement a Pilot School Garbage Bank program. While the concept of Garbage Bank has not been widely diffused in Indonesia, some examples can be found in Yogyakarta, Bogor and Jakarta.


In the village of Bandegan near Yogyakarta, there is an operational garbage bank under the name of Garbage Bank Gemah Ripah (Prosperous Garbage Bank). This garbage bank has been established in 2008 by the community members themselves. The first idea for this bank came from Mr. Bambang Suwerda, who teaches at the Health Polytechnic in Yogyakarta. The bank collects four types of waste: plastic, paper, cans and glass. Some of them are used locally to produce handicraft such as bags and wallets made from recyclable plastic. This gives the village women an extra source of income. At the moment the garbage bank has 150 members and 5 volunteers that manage the bank. Each time the members bring their waste they save about IDR 20,000 to IDR 30,000. Since members are tempted to withdraw these small amounts of money for consumption, the bank allows them to withdraw their deposit only once every three months. “Through this manner the members can withdraw between IDR 100,000-IDR 200,000 at a time, which stimulates their savings” said Bambang Suwerda. The Garbage Bank takes a margin of 15%, which is used to manage the bank. The bank is opened three days a week, namely every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4 to 9 p.m. According to Panut Susanto, the banks manager, the amount of rubbish collected can reach 60-70 kg per week.








Dusun Badegan, Bantul, Bantul, Bantul, DIY
Agus : 081 579 075 97
Bambang : 081 227 568 71
Bimo : 081 904 151 061
E-mail : suwerda2006@yahoo.co.id


In the neighborhood of Keluharan Semper Barat, in Jakarta, one can find  another successful garbage bank named Karya Mandiri. Here, the members don’t need to bring their waste to the garbage bank. Recyclables are picked up every day at the member’s houses. The garbage bank employs ten people who get paid according to the amount of recyclables they collect at the rate of IDR 500/kg.  In practice, their salary depends on the number of households engaged in the collecting scheme. In January 2010, five hundred households had joined the bank. Since its opening, the Garbage Bank has started several branches in other neighborhoods as well, which led to a big increase in membership. Besides the fact that the garbage bank became an important and easy way to save money, the neighborhood also looks much nicer and cleaner.

Video :






In the beginning of 2010, the Bogor Nature School launched their School Garbage Bank. The aim of the Garbage Bank is to increase the student’s awareness on their environment. Students bring recyclables from home every morning for a total of ten cubic meters/day. Students receive points in exchange of the recyclables they bring to the bank. Those points can then be traded for money. Part of the recyclables is used to produce handicraft from waste. The remaining part is sold to local waste dealers.

The Bogor Nature School is part of a new generation of schools. It has a special focus on nature and ecological sustainability, with 60 to 70 percent of classes conducted outdoors. The idea is that children should grow up close to nature in order to become environmentally-friendly. The existence of such schools echoes a global concern about the future of the environment, especially climate change.





Article courtesy of Liselotte  Heederik, Tdh-I Project Officer

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